torstai 10. joulukuuta 2009


Tein pizzapiirakkaa. Se on helppoa ja hyvää, kauhean tuhtia. :D

Siinä tehdään vuokaa pizzapohja johon laitetaan aineksia, ja sitten se suljetaan toisella pizzapohjalla. Se on tosi vaikeaa. Yaaaawn, takasin krapulamakuulle.

tiistai 8. joulukuuta 2009

Sairaana en kirjoittele :(

Oon lunssas nii en tee ruakaa :(

tiistai 1. joulukuuta 2009

Ugnlax med dill och saltpotatis

Dessa potatis är min favorit! De smakar som havet, och är super lätta att tillreda! Keitä potut vahvassa suolavedessä, mitä enemmän suolaa saostuu kattilan reunoille, sitä parempi (tämänkin voi lyödä yli, käytä aivojasi!)
Kun perunat ovat nahistuneet ryppyisiksi, ne ovat juuri oikein valmistettuja! Lohi on myös ''rimmäisen helppo valmistaa. Laajan uunivuoan pohjalle laitetaan kerros tilliä, ja lohifilee sen päälle nahkapuoli ylöspäin. Suolaa ja pippuroi fileen alapinta mausteeksi. Kun nahka kuivuu ja irtoaa lähes itsestään, on lohi valmis syötäväksi. Itse tykkään vielä kuivata lohta hieman liikaa, anteeksi tästä, mutta mielestäni se vaan on parempaa hieman well donena. 
Perunoiden vahvan suolan ansiosta et tarvitse lisäsuolaa. Ota pala perunaa, pala lohta ja anna saariston ilman ja lokkien laulun pyyhkiä ylitsesi! (Olipas taas. :D)


Otan nopsaa joulukuun kunniaksi kiinni. En ole jaksanut kirjoittaa viikkojen varrella, mutta kuvia olen ottanut :D

Itsetehtyä naminamipitaleipää ja paprika-hunaja-kanaa!

Paistettua riisiä ja katkarapuja marinoidun punasipulin kanssa

Kokonaista uunikanaa ja englantilaisia juureksia uunissa yrteillä (timjami, basilika, valkosipuli, rakuuna)

Entrée: Escargot, ail et persil, baquette. Plat principal: Soupe de tomates au fromage á la créme. Breuvage: Nugan -07

Neideille illallista, Boeuf a´la bourguignonne á la Mamman resepti. Jälkiruoaksi jäisiä marjoja ja Cointreau-kinuskia.

tiistai 10. marraskuuta 2009


Watching Yakitate Japan!! again sparked an impossible urge to bake again, so I got to it!
I made a simple white bread with 3/4 of plain flour and 1/4 whole grain, a simple recipe really!

3.5dl of water
~7dl of flour, I used 5 plain and 2,5 whole grain
10g of fresh yeast
1,5 tsp salt
oil for kneading

Dissolve the yeast in warmish water, add the flour and salt and mix together. let it sit for about 10 minutes before kneading. Knead once, let sit for a 10, knead again, 10 minute break, and a third time. Do not knead too hard, be gentle, and let the dough stay sticky, don't add too much flour and make it "good", let it be sticky.
Put in a bread-pan that you've oiled and floured up and let sit for some 30 minutes. Heat the oven to ~220 and stick the pan in for about 30 minutes. After that, take it out, and let sit in the pan for another 5 or so minutes, pop it out and let it cool in room temperature. Wrap in cooking paper and eat the next morning, it's best then!

torstai 5. marraskuuta 2009

Why am I not eating well?!

I haven't been eating too well for some time now.
Yesterday I made my favorite food in the worlds, an old recipe my mom often prepares for me! Crunchy chicken and curry sauce, the tastiest thing ever!

The biggest  problem I had was to be fast enough to take a picture, it's that good! :D

And easy to make:
Take corn flakes and cheese, powdered red pepper and maybe some chili, and olive oil, and crunch these into a nice mush. Spread on some chikkin and toss into the oven at 200* for around 20-25 minutes. Boil some rice of noodles or whatever side you want to enjoy with.

The main part being the sauce:
2dl of orange juice
1dl of cream
a knob of butter
 curry powder
a dash of sugar.
Melt the butter in a pan, add the oj and the rest of the stuff, boil for a bit and
I used half and half of cream and coconut milk, was muchos tasty!

Put in mouth, chew, and be prepared to see a white flash of rage as you munch your way down, only stopping after you've eaten half of your plate. It's that good.

tiistai 27. lokakuuta 2009

Catching up

Hehh.. So I had a spree of parties and.. other stuff, but now I'll get up to date!
Umm.. Photos..

That's all I have.. :D
Pasta with chicken and paprika, in coconut milk, tasty actually!

Frah sum chikkin, I used premarinaded, with honey.
Add carrots, thinly sliced,
 Chinese cabbage, fine
Umm,, paprika? Yeah, sliced
Stir for a bit, add some chili for taste.
After a few minutes, pour in a can of coconut milk, enough to cover, and let it boil for a bit.
Serve with pasta or rice, enjoy with friends!

I've also made some...
Pizza! Soup! And Tortellini.

One thing all of these have in common in tomato. My favorite foodstuff. It's so versatile.
A tomato sauce, usable on pizza, as a soup, and a sauce for the tortellinis

Scald these first, the skins are nasty!
Onions, garlic, basil. That's about it really..
Tomato puree is a nice additive, it has a concentrated taste.
A neat trick that Jamie Oliver does is to add some cherry tomatoes, garlic, basil and a pour of oil on a pan and put those into the oven for a good 20 minutes or so. Gives an awesome addition to the taste, but be careful, it's hot. Um.. 180*c's or something, sounds fine! :D

keskiviikko 21. lokakuuta 2009

A tasty salad!

I had a light feeling, so I thought I'd have a filling salad..
Add salad, rucola, tomato, sun-dried tomato, basil, red onion, spring onion, some manchego flakes and assorted seeds on top!
Then most important part is the sauce/marinade-thing:
Balsamico vinegar
Salt 'n Pepper
and honey!

Do magic until you get something like this, pour a glass of nice red and enjoy!

tiistai 20. lokakuuta 2009

Le saumon et légumes en papillote

Aah! How glad I am to be back north after a visit home!
On the way home I got a bit carried away at a mart in Oulu, nd got home with a carful of fresh herbs, fine cheese and tasty wines!

Tonight I had some ladies over, and we had this wonderful salmon from a recepy from a book my mom bought! <3

The specialty in this dish is the fact that it's cooked in paper in an oven, the fish is therefore steamed with the moisture form the veggies! Recipe to follow:
 Umm... These are stuff per pack, make as many as you need

small carrots
spring onion
some fennel
some leek..
a piece of salmon, the size you want!
a sprig of thyme
and olive oil!

Chop and mix these beforehand, add oil, garlic and let sit and marinade for a bit.
Meanwhile, craft some BIG heart-shaped pieces of butter paper, and oil up one side.
Next, fill up a corner of the heart with the veggies, and put a piece of salmon on top, with a sprinkle of salt and pepper, and a sprig of thyme to close the deal. Wrap the paper shut, and pop in the oven. 220*c for... 5-10 minutes, till the paper gets a bit brown. Open it up and let cool for a sec or two, serve and enjoy!

My choice of beverage: Bulmer's cider
and music: The Sounds - Crossing the Rubicon

torstai 15. lokakuuta 2009

Tofu, fried rice, stuff!

So, I just noticed I've never eaten tofu for real before, and today was a nice day to try it out!
So I invited a bunch of the lovelies (aka. girls) over and made this fried rice thing! It was much on the tasty side, and easy to make!

4 ounces firm tofu, drained
2 eggs
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
2 cups thinly sliced Chinese cabbage
1 cup chopped carrots
1 cup frozen green peas, thawed
3 cups cooked white rice
1/4 cup canned chicken broth
1/4 cup reduced-sodium soy sauce
3 tablespoons dry sherry
2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar

Slice the tofu, put aside. Put the kettle on and boils rice, remember that rice expands to about 2/3's of the original, so for 3 cups I used 1 cup of uncooked rice.
Put some oil on a wok, and mix in 2 eggs. Stir for a bit, till they form a nice, umm.. paste. Set that aside and add new oil. Pop in the garlic, chili and ginger. Stir till fragrant. Add thinly sliced carrots and the cabbage and the peas. 10 minutes, or until the carrots get al dente'ish. After that, add the chicken broth, soy sauve, sherry and vinegar, and boil for 3-5 minutes. Add the rice, soy and what else are we missing? Wait a sec with the eggs. When you're ready to serve the food, add the eggs and open the wine!
I have no pics of this success, it disappeared fast!
Let that be an indicator on how awesome-good it was!

Music; Flogging Molly - Float, on vinyl.

<3, see you later!

keskiviikko 14. lokakuuta 2009

Jamie Oliver's bellpepper-prosciutto-penne salad with anchovies

Time for someone's recipe for once! Pheeew, it's a load off my mind, I'll finally get to eat something tasty for a change!
This is ½ a portion since I'm cooking for one.

The Crash - Melodrama, the whole album.

1 Paprika, red
1 Paprika, Yellow
2 Anchovies
Olive oil
Prosciutto di Parma (Air dried, any variety supposedly ok)
250g of Penne
a tbsp of Capers

Preheat the oven to 180◦c, Halve the paprikas and put em on a casserole, cut-side up so you get a cup of sorts. Pop in an anchovy, oil, garlic and a fistful of basil. Roast for about ½ an hour.
Get out from the oven, lay a few slices of prosciutto on top, back into the oven for 15-20 minutes, till the ham is crispy. Take out and let sit till they're cool.
Now, while the paprikas are in the oven, boil the penne al dente, strain it off, add some olive oil and let that cool aswell.

Now, slice the paprikas into long strips, and the ham into nice bits. Mix the pasta and the rest of the stuff in a bowl, add some olive oil, capers and shave some Pecorino on top, and you're done!

So.. I've never liked anchovies. But in this recipe it seems they are merely a condiment, so it might, no, it will be super awesome!

 Awesome! Bon Appétit!

tiistai 13. lokakuuta 2009

Penne con salumi e paprika

I was feeling manly today, and thought I'd eat something to reflect this.
So, after rumbling through the cabinets for something edible, I stumbled upon these:

Salami, to be exact, Ridderheims whiskeyflavored beerwurst, 1 pc
Sun-dried tomatoes
Black olives
Chili, salt and pepper for taste.

Chop the onions and garlic, pan 'em with some oil and sauté briefly. Add the tomatoes, paprika and the olives. Let stir for a bit and pour in some water, cream and then the salami, in manly bits!

Let it boil down for a bit, and have the penne boiled and ready.

Mix thems together, pour some good olive oil on top, get a beer from the fridge, sit on the couch and watch some manly TV!

sunnuntai 11. lokakuuta 2009


A fine evening to you! I've been on a sort of a spree lately, On a bar-spree that is!
Soo, It's the mother-in-law of all morning afters. The 30 of us jammed on a bus on our way home from the cottage we've been wrecking for the last few days. And something in my head said to me: "today sure feels like a GREAT day to have an all-girls-but-me get-together sipping wine, watching movies and eating tasties!" So, after inviting nearly 40 people, and having all the 7 of us show up, a batch of fresh rolls with sun-dried tomato and parmesan-cheese got made. Then came the greatest revelation in weeks.
Fresh pancakes, just like mom used to make!

 1 liter of milk
 6/4 tsp of salt
 a dash of sugar
 4 dl of flour
 and 4 eggs.

Break the eggs, add milk, salt, sugar and then slowly the flour, making sure not to get it clumped up! Let the dough sit for a half an hour under a linen and you're ready to start frying those bastards.

Add a lump of butter in between every pancake. No, it's not unhealthy, and it tastes fucking awesome! Ummm. Let the pancakes brown up on one side for a good time, they'll come off the pan almost by magic when they're done.

And here is the most important part. You cannot, I repeat, CAN NOT flip a pancake any other way than to toss it into the air and catch it after a neat twirl!

Protip. Get the pancake moving on the pan before attempting the flip. Start a circular motion and  make sure the junk is moving well. Change the direction of the movement from a circle to a rocking back and forth one, and  then make an abrupt stop, using the front of the pan like a skateboarding ramp and fling that shit around into the air like a fucking KING! 

Catch it the raw side down, 2 minutes and you're done!

If you haven't scored with this trick, well, the next thing is to pour a tad of brandy on the pancake, get a gas stove and flambée the pancake briefly. make sure the alchohol gets warm and then light it aflame. Add sugar beforehand to get some nice caramelization action, and have the lid of the pan handy, you'll use this to extinguish the flame by denying it the oxygen it needs. This adds a wonderful flavor to the pancakes. Use Cointreax with apple jam and you're golden!

Put the freshly browned pancake aside on a dish, sprinkle a bit of sugar on top and put a lid on. You really should make all the pancakes in one go, and then enjoy them with friends!

Add your self-made jam (see the porridge episode for hints on this one! :D), some whipped cream, and other condiments to your own liking. Aaaand you're done! It's elementary!

Louis Armstrong - La Vie en Rose

Goodnight fellas, see you around!

perjantai 9. lokakuuta 2009

Shrimp soup!

So, I've been trying to find a recipe for once. And no, I haven't found one I like. So once again it's me against the elements to hardy my way through this.

I'm imagining a recipe in my head as we speak:
Fresh chili
Lemon juice
Orange zest
Lemongrass (which I don't have! Dangit!)
and water, maybe some chicken-fond!

So. Oil on a deep pan, add garlic and chili, and stir till the garlic is soft, don't let it burn! As a sidenote, the seeds on a chili are the hottest part, if you want a milder variant, leave most of them out!
After the garlic-chili infused oil is set, add lemon juice. Don't add as much as I did, I put in 2 dl of the stuff, and the result was a bit too stingy of a soup for me but meeh..
Boil for a bit, add salt and pepper now.
Pour in about half a liter of water, and chicken fond or a stock cube, enough is enough. :)
Let it simmer for a bit, and add some orange zest. A tip on this: use a  grater, but be careful; The good bit of the peel is the outermost, orange layer. The deeper into the white hide you go, the less it tastes, and the more it starts to taste pure bad, acidy in a bad way.

I made a taste-test and got around to the fact that I had far too much lemon in there.. So, as a countermeasure, I poured in some coconut milk. This was a GREAT idea and I can't imagine why I didn't come up with it earlier. This gave the food a nice edge, and made it much firmer! Use cream if you don't like coconut milk.

Boil for a bit, and then, close to serving pop in the shrimp. I'm using frozen, precooked ones, since that's pretty much all you can get in here, if you got fresh ones, boil them separately first, remove the tails and pop those in.

Take off the heat and let the shrimp warm up. Pour into a cup and eat! Keeps you warm through those cold winter nights!

Now I'm off, the bars await!
<2 Henni

torstai 8. lokakuuta 2009

Spaghetti ripieni con arachidi e cipolla

Hey! I didn't see you there.
So, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising came out today.. That's why I'm cooking dinner at a quarter to 9.. :DI decided to have something small, partly because I'm not that hungry for some reason, but mainly because I have zero foodstuff in my cabinets...

I decided on a spaghetti with peanuts, chili and onions, and garlic, or Spaghetti ripieni con arachidi e cipolla!
Soo, boil some water and spaghetti. For the sauce then: For my extra small portion I used
a red onion,
2 gloves of garlic,
a bit of chili
a handful of peanuts
a tbsp of honey
and a dash of balsamico vinegar.

Slice the onions, garlic and the chili, toss them on a pan with oil. Let the onions soften, and add the peanuts. Mash them up a bit with the flat of a knife before, that makes eating much easier!
So, I got this far and started thinking... There is one thing that goes great with peanuts... HONEY!

So, I added about a tablespoon of honey. And THEN I thought the food needs something to give it a bit of an edge. Balsamico vinegar. I'm sure many other acidic liquids could've done the job, but I had the vinegar handy! On a sidenote, it smelled ungodly while I was cooking it and really hurt to breath, but that settled in a while! :D
Simmer the sauce for a while, making sure it won't dry out or get too soft or whatnot. When you're ready, smack the spaghetti on a plate, shave some Parmesan cheese on top, add oil, salt, pepper and chili for taste, and pour some of the peanut concoction in there.
Open mouth, insert food!
Now I'm off to shoot some Chinese. On a full stomach!

A Morning Porridge

Oh man, nothing better than a bowl of oatmeal with butter and a load of sugar!

It's also kind of healthy I suppose, compared to a white bread sandwich or summin. 

tip: Make your own jam and add that to your porridge. Me and my flatmate made some awesome apple-jam a while back, and it really fed us in the mornings! 

A simple recipe for this one is to take about 2 kilos of apples cleaned, 2 dl of water and a kilo of...  jam sugar. Top that up with cinnamon and, of course, wiskey, cognac or Cointreau for taste! Awesome!

Just boil the apples into a soft mush, add water and the sugar, keep it brimming for 10 minutes and let it cool. Add your flavors and can it in an airtight container.

Now I'm off to school. Have fun!

keskiviikko 7. lokakuuta 2009

The Beginning

Dear unwashed masses!

Welcome to my blog about food, wine and snacks!

I'm a bored-out-of-my-mind  student in the University of Lapland, faculty of education, Finland. 

I've always been fond of food, and I've been messing in the kitchen with my mom for a good part of my childhood, and I've picked up a few tips and tricks along the way!

I will be cooking.. Almost daily, and diarying my failures in here with along-the-lines recipes and some price estimates for you to enjoy! :D

I will begin as soon as I cba to get a cable to connect my camera to my PC, sometime next week maybe?

Well, without further ado, 

Bon Appétit!