torstai 5. marraskuuta 2009

Why am I not eating well?!

I haven't been eating too well for some time now.
Yesterday I made my favorite food in the worlds, an old recipe my mom often prepares for me! Crunchy chicken and curry sauce, the tastiest thing ever!

The biggest  problem I had was to be fast enough to take a picture, it's that good! :D

And easy to make:
Take corn flakes and cheese, powdered red pepper and maybe some chili, and olive oil, and crunch these into a nice mush. Spread on some chikkin and toss into the oven at 200* for around 20-25 minutes. Boil some rice of noodles or whatever side you want to enjoy with.

The main part being the sauce:
2dl of orange juice
1dl of cream
a knob of butter
 curry powder
a dash of sugar.
Melt the butter in a pan, add the oj and the rest of the stuff, boil for a bit and
I used half and half of cream and coconut milk, was muchos tasty!

Put in mouth, chew, and be prepared to see a white flash of rage as you munch your way down, only stopping after you've eaten half of your plate. It's that good.

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