tiistai 27. lokakuuta 2009

Catching up

Hehh.. So I had a spree of parties and.. other stuff, but now I'll get up to date!
Umm.. Photos..

That's all I have.. :D
Pasta with chicken and paprika, in coconut milk, tasty actually!

Frah sum chikkin, I used premarinaded, with honey.
Add carrots, thinly sliced,
 Chinese cabbage, fine
Umm,, paprika? Yeah, sliced
Stir for a bit, add some chili for taste.
After a few minutes, pour in a can of coconut milk, enough to cover, and let it boil for a bit.
Serve with pasta or rice, enjoy with friends!

I've also made some...
Pizza! Soup! And Tortellini.

One thing all of these have in common in tomato. My favorite foodstuff. It's so versatile.
A tomato sauce, usable on pizza, as a soup, and a sauce for the tortellinis

Scald these first, the skins are nasty!
Onions, garlic, basil. That's about it really..
Tomato puree is a nice additive, it has a concentrated taste.
A neat trick that Jamie Oliver does is to add some cherry tomatoes, garlic, basil and a pour of oil on a pan and put those into the oven for a good 20 minutes or so. Gives an awesome addition to the taste, but be careful, it's hot. Um.. 180*c's or something, sounds fine! :D

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