perjantai 9. lokakuuta 2009

Shrimp soup!

So, I've been trying to find a recipe for once. And no, I haven't found one I like. So once again it's me against the elements to hardy my way through this.

I'm imagining a recipe in my head as we speak:
Fresh chili
Lemon juice
Orange zest
Lemongrass (which I don't have! Dangit!)
and water, maybe some chicken-fond!

So. Oil on a deep pan, add garlic and chili, and stir till the garlic is soft, don't let it burn! As a sidenote, the seeds on a chili are the hottest part, if you want a milder variant, leave most of them out!
After the garlic-chili infused oil is set, add lemon juice. Don't add as much as I did, I put in 2 dl of the stuff, and the result was a bit too stingy of a soup for me but meeh..
Boil for a bit, add salt and pepper now.
Pour in about half a liter of water, and chicken fond or a stock cube, enough is enough. :)
Let it simmer for a bit, and add some orange zest. A tip on this: use a  grater, but be careful; The good bit of the peel is the outermost, orange layer. The deeper into the white hide you go, the less it tastes, and the more it starts to taste pure bad, acidy in a bad way.

I made a taste-test and got around to the fact that I had far too much lemon in there.. So, as a countermeasure, I poured in some coconut milk. This was a GREAT idea and I can't imagine why I didn't come up with it earlier. This gave the food a nice edge, and made it much firmer! Use cream if you don't like coconut milk.

Boil for a bit, and then, close to serving pop in the shrimp. I'm using frozen, precooked ones, since that's pretty much all you can get in here, if you got fresh ones, boil them separately first, remove the tails and pop those in.

Take off the heat and let the shrimp warm up. Pour into a cup and eat! Keeps you warm through those cold winter nights!

Now I'm off, the bars await!
<2 Henni

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