torstai 8. lokakuuta 2009

Spaghetti ripieni con arachidi e cipolla

Hey! I didn't see you there.
So, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising came out today.. That's why I'm cooking dinner at a quarter to 9.. :DI decided to have something small, partly because I'm not that hungry for some reason, but mainly because I have zero foodstuff in my cabinets...

I decided on a spaghetti with peanuts, chili and onions, and garlic, or Spaghetti ripieni con arachidi e cipolla!
Soo, boil some water and spaghetti. For the sauce then: For my extra small portion I used
a red onion,
2 gloves of garlic,
a bit of chili
a handful of peanuts
a tbsp of honey
and a dash of balsamico vinegar.

Slice the onions, garlic and the chili, toss them on a pan with oil. Let the onions soften, and add the peanuts. Mash them up a bit with the flat of a knife before, that makes eating much easier!
So, I got this far and started thinking... There is one thing that goes great with peanuts... HONEY!

So, I added about a tablespoon of honey. And THEN I thought the food needs something to give it a bit of an edge. Balsamico vinegar. I'm sure many other acidic liquids could've done the job, but I had the vinegar handy! On a sidenote, it smelled ungodly while I was cooking it and really hurt to breath, but that settled in a while! :D
Simmer the sauce for a while, making sure it won't dry out or get too soft or whatnot. When you're ready, smack the spaghetti on a plate, shave some Parmesan cheese on top, add oil, salt, pepper and chili for taste, and pour some of the peanut concoction in there.
Open mouth, insert food!
Now I'm off to shoot some Chinese. On a full stomach!

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