sunnuntai 11. lokakuuta 2009


A fine evening to you! I've been on a sort of a spree lately, On a bar-spree that is!
Soo, It's the mother-in-law of all morning afters. The 30 of us jammed on a bus on our way home from the cottage we've been wrecking for the last few days. And something in my head said to me: "today sure feels like a GREAT day to have an all-girls-but-me get-together sipping wine, watching movies and eating tasties!" So, after inviting nearly 40 people, and having all the 7 of us show up, a batch of fresh rolls with sun-dried tomato and parmesan-cheese got made. Then came the greatest revelation in weeks.
Fresh pancakes, just like mom used to make!

 1 liter of milk
 6/4 tsp of salt
 a dash of sugar
 4 dl of flour
 and 4 eggs.

Break the eggs, add milk, salt, sugar and then slowly the flour, making sure not to get it clumped up! Let the dough sit for a half an hour under a linen and you're ready to start frying those bastards.

Add a lump of butter in between every pancake. No, it's not unhealthy, and it tastes fucking awesome! Ummm. Let the pancakes brown up on one side for a good time, they'll come off the pan almost by magic when they're done.

And here is the most important part. You cannot, I repeat, CAN NOT flip a pancake any other way than to toss it into the air and catch it after a neat twirl!

Protip. Get the pancake moving on the pan before attempting the flip. Start a circular motion and  make sure the junk is moving well. Change the direction of the movement from a circle to a rocking back and forth one, and  then make an abrupt stop, using the front of the pan like a skateboarding ramp and fling that shit around into the air like a fucking KING! 

Catch it the raw side down, 2 minutes and you're done!

If you haven't scored with this trick, well, the next thing is to pour a tad of brandy on the pancake, get a gas stove and flambée the pancake briefly. make sure the alchohol gets warm and then light it aflame. Add sugar beforehand to get some nice caramelization action, and have the lid of the pan handy, you'll use this to extinguish the flame by denying it the oxygen it needs. This adds a wonderful flavor to the pancakes. Use Cointreax with apple jam and you're golden!

Put the freshly browned pancake aside on a dish, sprinkle a bit of sugar on top and put a lid on. You really should make all the pancakes in one go, and then enjoy them with friends!

Add your self-made jam (see the porridge episode for hints on this one! :D), some whipped cream, and other condiments to your own liking. Aaaand you're done! It's elementary!

Louis Armstrong - La Vie en Rose

Goodnight fellas, see you around!

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