torstai 8. lokakuuta 2009

A Morning Porridge

Oh man, nothing better than a bowl of oatmeal with butter and a load of sugar!

It's also kind of healthy I suppose, compared to a white bread sandwich or summin. 

tip: Make your own jam and add that to your porridge. Me and my flatmate made some awesome apple-jam a while back, and it really fed us in the mornings! 

A simple recipe for this one is to take about 2 kilos of apples cleaned, 2 dl of water and a kilo of...  jam sugar. Top that up with cinnamon and, of course, wiskey, cognac or Cointreau for taste! Awesome!

Just boil the apples into a soft mush, add water and the sugar, keep it brimming for 10 minutes and let it cool. Add your flavors and can it in an airtight container.

Now I'm off to school. Have fun!

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