tiistai 20. lokakuuta 2009

Le saumon et légumes en papillote

Aah! How glad I am to be back north after a visit home!
On the way home I got a bit carried away at a mart in Oulu, nd got home with a carful of fresh herbs, fine cheese and tasty wines!

Tonight I had some ladies over, and we had this wonderful salmon from a recepy from a book my mom bought! <3

The specialty in this dish is the fact that it's cooked in paper in an oven, the fish is therefore steamed with the moisture form the veggies! Recipe to follow:
 Umm... These are stuff per pack, make as many as you need

small carrots
spring onion
some fennel
some leek..
a piece of salmon, the size you want!
a sprig of thyme
and olive oil!

Chop and mix these beforehand, add oil, garlic and let sit and marinade for a bit.
Meanwhile, craft some BIG heart-shaped pieces of butter paper, and oil up one side.
Next, fill up a corner of the heart with the veggies, and put a piece of salmon on top, with a sprinkle of salt and pepper, and a sprig of thyme to close the deal. Wrap the paper shut, and pop in the oven. 220*c for... 5-10 minutes, till the paper gets a bit brown. Open it up and let cool for a sec or two, serve and enjoy!

My choice of beverage: Bulmer's cider
and music: The Sounds - Crossing the Rubicon

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