tiistai 13. lokakuuta 2009

Penne con salumi e paprika

I was feeling manly today, and thought I'd eat something to reflect this.
So, after rumbling through the cabinets for something edible, I stumbled upon these:

Salami, to be exact, Ridderheims whiskeyflavored beerwurst, 1 pc
Sun-dried tomatoes
Black olives
Chili, salt and pepper for taste.

Chop the onions and garlic, pan 'em with some oil and sauté briefly. Add the tomatoes, paprika and the olives. Let stir for a bit and pour in some water, cream and then the salami, in manly bits!

Let it boil down for a bit, and have the penne boiled and ready.

Mix thems together, pour some good olive oil on top, get a beer from the fridge, sit on the couch and watch some manly TV!

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