tiistai 10. marraskuuta 2009


Watching Yakitate Japan!! again sparked an impossible urge to bake again, so I got to it!
I made a simple white bread with 3/4 of plain flour and 1/4 whole grain, a simple recipe really!

3.5dl of water
~7dl of flour, I used 5 plain and 2,5 whole grain
10g of fresh yeast
1,5 tsp salt
oil for kneading

Dissolve the yeast in warmish water, add the flour and salt and mix together. let it sit for about 10 minutes before kneading. Knead once, let sit for a 10, knead again, 10 minute break, and a third time. Do not knead too hard, be gentle, and let the dough stay sticky, don't add too much flour and make it "good", let it be sticky.
Put in a bread-pan that you've oiled and floured up and let sit for some 30 minutes. Heat the oven to ~220 and stick the pan in for about 30 minutes. After that, take it out, and let sit in the pan for another 5 or so minutes, pop it out and let it cool in room temperature. Wrap in cooking paper and eat the next morning, it's best then!

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